
Monday, November 30, 2020


What year and where did this incident happen? 1939

Compare box one to box two. What is the difference in understanding of land ownership? That the European settlers are pouring into New Zealand

Why was Wakefield surveying the Wairau plains? Faced with a shortage of land in the Nelson colony,
The New Zealand Company under Arthur Wakefield was keen to acquire additional land.
They traveled to Nelson and made it plain to Wakefield that they retained title to the Wairau Plain
and did not intend to sell unless they were offered a generous price.

What is the offence that Te Raupraha and Te Tangihaeata are to be arrested for?
This argument was a thin one: how Te Rauparaha had acquired the land was irrelevant if he had not included it in the sale to the company. Nevertheless, a decision was made to arrest Te Rauparaha and Te Rangihaeata on charges of arson.
In your own words, summarise the events at Wairau that led to the deaths of 30 people in total. 

Four Māori and 22 Europeans were killed in the first violent clash between Māori and Pākehā since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. Nelson colonists were keen to occupy the Wairau Valley, where the New Zealand Company claimed to have purchased land. Ngāti Toa disagreed, obstructing surveyors and destroying their huts. The chief Te Rauparaha insisted on an investigation by William Spain, who was looking into pre-1840 land purchases. Instead, warrants were issued for the arrest of Te Rauparaha and his nephew Te Rangihaeata, and an armed but untrained posse set out from Nelson to detain them.

Friday, November 20, 2020


Rūaumoko, son of sky father Ranginui (Rangi) and earth mother Papatūānuku (Papa), is thought responsible for all violent stirrings beneath the earth. The rumblings of earthquakes, the molten hiss of volcanoes, and the inevitable rolling change of seasons.

What is the story?

Rūaumoko was at his mother's breast when this happened, so he was carried into the world below. He was given fire for warmth by Tama-kaka, and his movements below the earth cause earthquakes and volcanoes. Rūaumoko is also known as the husband of his niece Hine-Nui-te-pō, the goddess of death and a daughter of Tāne.

What had the people observed and used to explain what was happening?

When there is an earthquake he is waking up which causes them to move and it is just like Pregnancy because when you are inside of the belly you are always kicking and moving around in there.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Gymnastics (Beam)

  In P.E Term 4 we have been doing Gymnastics and In Gymnastics I have been learning how to do stuff on the Balance Beam I went on the low balance beam because it is way easier. I loved it because we got to be on our own

 What do you do on a Balance beam? A balance beam routine may not exceed 90 seconds and must cover the entire length of the beam. Handsprings, back handsprings, saltos, back saltos, turns, and split jumps are all gymnastics skills that are common to beam routines.

What is a Balance Beam used for? noun. a narrow wooden rail about 16 feet (5 meters) long and 4 inches (10 centimeters) wide, set horizontally on upright posts about 4 feet (1.2 meters) from the floor, used for performing feats of balancing and demonstrating gymnastic ability. a competitive gymnastic event for women in which such an apparatus is used.

There are videos but I don't want to show them.

Monday, November 9, 2020

An Inspector Calls

 An Inspector Calls

What were the Major Eventd throughout 1910-1920? 1910. 1910, Jack Johnson beats Tommy Burns,1911, First Auto Electric Start,1912, Sinking of the Titanic,1913, First Cross Word Puzzle,1914, Federal Trade Commission,1915, World War I Zeppelin raids,1916, Pancho Villa Attacks Columbus New Mexico,1917, Russian Revolution,1918, Brest-Litovsk and the Armistice,1919, Creation Of The Italian National Fascist Party.

Who was J.B.Priestly, and what did he do in his life? Priestley was a prolific and industrious writer. He published 39 plays and 26 novels as well as volumes of essays and criticism and continued to write into old age. He died on 14 August 1984. Further information about the life of J P Priestley can be found via the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

What are symbols and motifs in narratives? If something is mentioned once to allude to something else, it's a symbol. If something is mentioned several times throughout a story, it's a motif. Think of symbols as baby motifs. They only grow up to become motifs if they're repeated throughout the course of a narrative.

What was life like in England in the 1910s? Like the decade before it, the 1910s were characterized by a slow but steady modernizing trend. American society became more urban. People left rural areas for suburbs. Cities expanded thanks to the ease of travel provided by automobiles, buses, and streetcars.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Term 4 Composition

 Type of Composition: Film Music

Group Members And Roles: Tamara-Playing Piano, Shira-Playing Piano

Equipment List: Piano

Starting Goal: Write a Genre

Monday, November 2, 2020



In Health we were set a task that required us to do a Year 10 Discovery and this unit is about giving us the opportunity to explore areas of health that is of interest to us. This unit is also about us showing our understandings of the health key concepts. We got to choose 1 or 2 topics here were the topics we got to choose out of Gender Issues in sport, Discrimination or Racism, Drugs on the mind and body, Vape, Addiction on the mind and body, Effects of gaming on the mind and body, Steriods in sports, Illness, Effects of social media on the mind, Brain Development during teenage years, Coping strategies in practice, Binge Drinking and Mental Health/The Mind. We could work independently or in Pairs. What exactly do I need to do? You need to decide on one or two topics that you would like to learn about. Complete all activities on this planning sheet for each topic. What you will need to cover. Note-you can choose which topic you will submit to be assessed if you do 2 topics! 5 BIG questions (must be approved).Detailed answers to the BIG questions. (must be approved). Strategies to manage your chosen topic. Make something or create an activity to do with your topic. Pictures and a high level of presentation of your findings.Links to the key concepts. Complete a blog post. Success criteria. You need to meet all 4 success criteria by the end of the unit for ONE of your chosen topics. End of unit due date-Week 5, t4. I am really proud of how I did and I think I could do it again. Here is what I have done
Here is a Link
Instructions & Planning 

  • Make a copy of this Doc and put it into your HUR8 folder

  • Share your copy with your partner

  • Below are the tasks that need to be completed

  • You can present your learning in any format of your choice

  • Detailed answers and a high level of presentation is expected

Topic: Methanthatimine 

  1. What are your 5 BIG questions? Ideas. 

*Get teacher approval before moving on.

5 BIG questions

Tick when completed

What is Methanthatimine?

Why are there laws and penalties for meth? 

Who can/can’t use meth?

How does meth lead to poor mental health outcomes?

What are the Short And Long Term Effects of Meth use?

  1. What are the answers to your 5 BIG questions? You need to include as many key concepts into your answers as possible. 

           *Get teacher approval before moving on.

Answers to your 5 BIG questions

Tick when completed

Why Are There Laws And Penalties For Meth?

Meth is a class A drug under the missile of the drugs act and therefore attracts severe penalties. Manufacturing, importing, Dealing and possession for supply can lead to a life sentence. Possession of five grams of methamphetamine (A Tablespoon) is enough to warrant a conviction for possession of a supply. Those caught importing the precursors of methamphetamine without a licence can attract jail sentences of up to eight years. Possessing a pipe or utensil for smoking methamphetamine is also an offence and can result one-year jail term or a fine of up to $1000.

What Is Methanthatime?

Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive, powerful stimulant. It produces wakefulness, hyperactivity, and a euphoric effect. Methamphetamine is also known as speed, pure, P, burn, goey, crank, meth, crystal, ice, and yaba. Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Crystal methamphetamine is a form of the drug that looks like glass fragments or shiny, bluish-white rocks. It is chemically similar to amphetamine, a drug used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and narcolepsy, a sleep disorder. Other common names for methamphetamine include blue, crystal, ice, meth, and speed.

Who Can/Can’t Use Meth?

No one can because Methamphetamine is a class A drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act and therefore attracts severe penalties. Manufacturing, importing, dealing and possession for supply can lead to a life sentence. Possession of five grams of methamphetamine (a teaspoon) is enough to warrant a conviction for possession for supply. Those caught importing the precursors of methamphetamine (pseudoephedrine and ephedrine) without a license can attract jail sentences of up to eight years. Possessing a pipe or utensil for smoking methamphetamine is also an offense and can result in a one-year jail term or a fine of up to $1000.

How does meth lead to poor mental health outcomes?

Methamphetamine – or simply, meth – is a central nervous system stimulant drug that can lead to severe social, occupational, legal, and health consequences. Aside from a spectrum of potential physical health concerns, meth users frequently experience co-occurring mental health issues. The symptoms of meth addiction can exacerbate the symptoms of co-occurring mental health conditions—including anxiety and depression.

  • A co-occurring mental health disorder can complicate a user’s ability to get help and stay sober if they are not getting integrated treatment, i.e., dual diagnosis interventions that aim to address both conditions simultaneously.

  • Users may feel they are blocking troublesome psychiatric symptoms by using meth (i.e., self-medicating) and this erroneous thought process makes it difficult to stop using the drug.

What are the Short And Long Term Effects of Meth use?


  • Loss of appetite

  • Increased heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature

  • Dilation of pupils

  • Disturbed sleep patterns

  • Nausea

  • Bizarre, erratic, sometimes violent behavior

  • Hallucinations, hyperexcitability, irritability

  • Panic and psychosis

  • Convulsions, seizures, and death from high doses


  • Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain, high blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death

  • Liver, kidney, and lung damage

  • Destruction of tissues in the nose if sniffed

  • Respiratory (breathing) problems if smoked

  • Infectious diseases and abscesses if injected

  • Malnutrition, weight loss

  • Severe tooth decay

  • Disorientation, apathy, confused exhaustion

  • Strong psychological dependence

  • Psychosis

  • Depression

  • Damage to the brain similar to Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and epilepsy

  1. Describe 3 ways to improve and manage your chosen health issue if you or a friend were to experience it. Explain how it will improve wellbeing in the short term and long term.

*Get teacher approval before moving on.


What the strategies are

What areas of wellbeing the strategy will improve and how

Short term and/or long term

Strategy 1



Long Term

Strategy 2


Mental Emotional

Short Term

Strategy 3

Drug Foundation


Long/Short Term

  1. You need to create an activity or make something that teaches another group or the class about your topic/findings. Use the key concepts.

*Lots of effort is expected! 

*You must get permission from your teacher before starting this.

Ideas- you can pick your own idea but you must get permission before you start!


Stop Motion

A model 





Cartoon strip




Newspaper article


Drama performance

Your own idea

  1. Upload your work to your blog. Provide an outline of what was asked of you and the tasks that you have completed. Add pictures or screenshots as evidence onto your blog. Use the template below to set up your blog post.




Explanation of what the task was that you were given

  • In Health we were set a task that required us to

  • Our set success criteria were

  • The topic that I chose was

Explanation of what you did

  • Firstly we had to

  • Once we had our 5 BIG questions we

  • From there we

  • We chose to make/create we chose to do this because

  • We have learned that these strategies are helpful to use if


  • It was challenging when

  • I coped with the challenge by

  • I worked well / okay / not so well with others because

  • Next time I will

  • I am really proud of

I Did do a Kahoot as well for my create. 

Here is a slide show of the work.